Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Light breeze

This, precious life of man
how frail it is
how fragile, how plain;
It breaks, just by a little push of wind
a vein cut, or a missing dream!    
It shatters,                      
and falls to the ground  
followed by trains noise,
the sound of tears
gunpowder lipstick, around your lips!   


Monday, March 24, 2014

Holy Motors

Yes, yes, yes,
30 minutes are enough, I guess,
to take off this mask,
to take off these colors
with which,
I have covered my face
and painted myself
30 minutes will do, I guess!
Yes, 30 minutes are enough,
to recall what has passed,
to remember how you looked
how you smelled,
to remember the times
that I kept you high
when you were to tired to rest
yes, 30 minutes are enough, I guess!
Yes, 30 minutes will do,
so take my hand and lead me
there, where you were you
and I was me
each time I looked at you
yes, 30 minutes will do
to glare, to stare at you
before I forgot me, and you forgot you!
